Thursday, June 13, 2024


Lately when Trump’s pig lips flap gibberish has come out
Conveying disconnected thoughts that can leave little doubt
In any minds except limited ones his cult contains
In the place where normal people have functional brains
That his grasp on reality slips more away each day
With every detour from that which handlers hoped he’s say.

Sharks and electrocution are the latest thoughts his brain
Dredged up during a rally speech to prove yet once again
To everyone not in his cult dementia’s reared its head
Within his brain that’s nowhere as stable as he’s said
And chips away at whatever sanity there remains
Not crowded out by thoughts about witch hunts and robbed vote gains.

Five and a half months still remain before elections come
Here’s hoping that’s enough time left for the brain-addled scum
To say things so completely weird in strange thoughts they convey
They sway at least a few to see things really aren’t OK
Within the brain previously claimed stable as can be
From which gibberish conveys dementia’s occupancy.

13 June 2024

Let’s Talk About Trump’s Gibberish

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