Monday, June 10, 2024

Obsessive Rut

Trump’s worsening obsession with his guilty verdict has
Unnerved some GOPers who wish he’d just chill whereas
Instead he’s been increasing his obsession every day
By screaming about vengeance making judge and jury pay.

Intelligent Republicans are worried some swing votes
Will swing away from Trump because his obsession denotes
His total inability to do anything but
Lather up his base while stuck in his obsessive rut.

Instead of focusing on what swing voters want to hear
He spends his time pouring “Poor Little Me” crap in the ear
Of his cult by obsessing about all felonies
He’s been found “guilty” of by a rigged “jury” of 12 sleaze.

At every rally Trump’s obsessive obsession pours out
From flapping pig lips which leave some Republicans in doubt
That he can ever focus again on what really matters
To swing voters not in his cult watching as his brain shatters.

Here’s hoping Trump’s obsession with his verdict keeps increasing
To turn off more swing voters in numbers ever increasing
Because his lathered up cult can’t by itself guarantee
Enough votes to let him begin obsessive tyranny.

10 June 2024

Why Trump’s Worsening Obsession With Verdict Has Unnerved Some GOPers

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