Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Canada is Worried

Canada is worried about U.S. Civil War
Tearing their southern neighbor’s land apart from shore to shore
Which may be on its way if Donald Trump loses again
And rejects the vote tallies with new I WAS ROBBED!!! refrain
And commands his cult to take up arms and storm the gates
Of every state infested with blue liberal ingrates.

Canada is worried about U.S. Civil War
Filling the land to its south with anarchy and gore
As deep red states split violently away from states deep blue
Because that’s what they’re sure Dear Leader ordered them to do
With wink and nudge and nod so he can claim he never said
Words that called for Civil War to kill the U.S. dead.

Canada is worried about U.S. Civil War
As Nazi rhetoric spews forth from pig lips to implore
Trump’s rabid cult long standing by with arsenals prepared
To tear apart America if enough votes aren’t snared
To sweep Dear Leader into power from which he won’t leave
He’d rather split the country than let half to him not cleave.

Canada is worried about U.S. Civil War
But all it can do for now’s watch and wait, why try implore
Trump’s cult to find civility within its angry heart
When it’s more exciting for MAGAs to tear things apart?
Which they’re prepared to do when he again refuses to
Accept defeat and bids them to “united” states unglue.

11 June 2024

Why Canada is worried about a US Civil War https://flip.it/-kakMq

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