Sunday, June 9, 2024

Doodle Squatters

To mandatory Bible lessons in all Texas schools
And hate for all refusing to play by their MAGA rules
The party of Republicans in Texas have elected
To add another referendum to those they’ve selected
To represent the way they want their Lone Star State to be
Stuck in the messes they've created for eternity.

Their newest referendum would have party members vote
To remove Texas from Union hands that throttle its throat
By discussing first and maybe then thereafter voting
To secede from America to thus no more be toting
The laws with which the U.S. government’s throttled the state
That its GOP’s sure seceeding from will make again great.

Republicans have controlled Texas nearly 30 years
So their claim only they alone can fix messes appears
To be all hat no cattle bullshit and horse hockey too
Because their reign’s been plenty long to make state mess less few
But rather than admitting they have not solved doodle squat
They blame national government for things they themselves wrought.

Ted Cruz just blamed America for cheap power his state
Fails to produce because its power grid has not worked great
Since Republicans removed it from the nation’s grid
Thus causing internal problems he’d hoped would stay hid
From MAGA voters his party’s dependent on so he
Claims Democrats made the power mess caused by his party.

When one party controls state policy for 30 years
Without solving self-imposed messes in that party fears
Grow that its record’s catching up so begins actively
Deflecting from itself blame it’s deserved consistently
By claiming only it alone can solve it’s state’s mass messes
But how secession saves that party’s anybody’s guesses.

9 June 2024

Texas GOP adds secession to party’s 2024 official platform

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