Friday, March 6, 2020

Natural Ability

MY “natural ability” to FULLY UNDERSTAND
“Science” stuff is VERY HARD to “explain” out of hand
It MUST have something to do with the “gene pool” I come from
MY “uncle” was a GENIUS and I’m ANOTHER ONE!!!
ALL “doctors” I meet are in AWE of MY ability
To kind of “understand” stuff if I’m told it ENDLESSLY!!!

I am SMARTER than EVERY “doctor” alive or SOON dead
Who have tried MANY TIMES to stuff “virus” stuff in MY “head”!!!
I “like” the stuff they stuff!!! I GET IT!!! “Science” CAN’T “explain”
How MUCH flows OUT they try to stuff in MY “colander” Brane!!!
EVERY “doctor” trying to “teach” ME stuff WILL SOON “learn”
I’m SO MUCH SMARTER than the stuff they stuff it I ALL SPURN!!!

MY “natural ability” might better have been used
To get a BETTER “job” than this one I have SO ABUSED!!!
Who “knows” what I could have become if MY GENIUS Brane
Did NOT tend to keep stuffing stuff stuffed IN back out its drain???
It does that because stuff in there is stuffed up to the TOP
DESPITE “natural ability” it CAN’T hold one MORE drop!!!

That’s why what is now getting stuffed IN drains back OUT again
And on its round trip gets “interpreted” to ENTERTAIN
Because “Decisive Action” on MY part has BLOWN TO HELL
This so-called “virus” that ALL KNOW is just like common “flu”
So if they get a “shot” that WILL BE HERE SOON they’ll pull through!!!

6 March 2020

‘We are all going to die’: Internet shocked by Trump claiming ‘a natural ability’ to understand science

Trump muddles coronavirus message as response team struggles to match 'wishful thinking'

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