Friday, June 21, 2024

Sticking To His Guns

Despite being the sole dissenter in the gun ban fray
Clarance Thomas is sticking to his guns all the way
All other Supreme Court justices but him said “Enough!
Domestic violence perpetrators have no right to snuff
Members of their family with guns that the NRA,
Gun nuts, and Thomas alone says with which they’ve rights to play”.

Because he’s such a tool for Trump, the NRA, and all
Billionaires with yachts that schlep him at his beck and call
Clarance Thomas is sticking to his guns because he
Has no respect to lose and knows he’ll get lots more for free
From rich friends if his guns he sticks to without letting go
Despite eight other justices who’ve made guns a no-no.

As long as Clarance Thomas talks the talk it won’t much matter
If he can’t make the others walk the walk with dissent patter
The only thing that counts for him is to be seen to be
In the pockets of billionaires where he gets rides for free
And there receives obscene amounts of money they’ve him sent
To guarantee gun sticking brings them at least his dissent.

21 July 2024

Clarance Thomas Goes Out Of His Way To Dissent As SCOTUS Upholds Gun Laws Protecting Domestic Violence Victims

Clarance Thomas Says Domestic Abusers Should Own Guns

‘Corrupt lunatic” Jaws drop at latest Clarance Thomas dissent

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