Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Desperately Loud Toast

Trump is toast if voters from him keep turning away
As they’re doing in primaries each and every day
Republicans in deep red states bring him up for a vote
And Nikki Haley still gets votes that punch him in the throat
And now with his convictions he’s become a felon who
A small but growing percent of voters want nought to do.

If you listen only to Trump’s loudly screamed complaint
You’d believe election landslide for him will be great
Because he never mentions during rally diatribe 
That former voters for him have begun to set aside
Their plan to vote next time around for he who God has chose
Since his conviction on all counts showed law could him expose.

Trump will continue to scream his trial was a sham
Kangaroo Court Witch Hunt which in no way hurt his plan
To be elected President as he’s been twice before
By yet another landslide that won’t be kicked out the door
This time by fake fraud votes unlike it was four years ago
And this landslide will be so huge robbery can’t it blow.

But landslide votes depend on getting more votes than before
And for Trump that’s grown tougher as voters head for the door
Because they prefer Nikki and/or a convicted felon
Is not the kind of candidate they’d hoped for to be yellin’
As writing of vote count decline grows clearer on the wall
Trump’s landslide claims will grow desperately louder before Fall.

4 June 2024

“Five-alarm fire” GOP strategist says Trump is “toast” if primary voters keep abandoning him https://flip.it/3.h7mz

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