Wednesday, June 5, 2024


The GOP knows it won’t survive after Trump’s conviction
Unless it more aggressively investigates the fiction
That his trial did not cleave tightly to the rule of law
But was a weapon his foes used to rub Dear Leader raw
By finding guilt on every charge which had nothing to do
With so called “Justice” but instead proved the court kangaroo.

And so investigations on the Hill will now increase
That make all chance of governing through compromise there cease
As kangaroo courts the right’s accused the left of fomenting
Become the standard tools they use to continue preventing
Anything resembling lawmaking to emerge
From their side whose goal remains to all rule of law scourge.

Led by toady Mike Johnson, their side’s main wuss dipshit
All Republicans will strive to deal a fatal hit
To anything their Keystone Cop investigations prove
Dems used as weapons to Dear Leader throw off of his groove
As usual they’ll find nothing but that is not the point
Their goal is keeping fat asses in the Hill’s cushy joint.

They know all policies they’re running on next time around
Do not resound with most voters so new ways must be found
To declare upcoming elections weren’t fairly run
If shit they’ve pulled behind the scenes does not elect their scum
And so they’ll cite investigations to voters in hopes
It proves their side’s accomplished more than being Trump toad jokes.

And so here they go once again while government decays
Because Trump toads fear job loss more than changing losing ways
So thus are stuck with policies none want except those few
God’s directly commanded to push his Will Be Done through
They won’t allow voting majorities to still expect
To win after laws hung guilt charges around Trump’s fat neck.

5 June 2024

GOP plans aggressive “weaponization” investigations in wake of Trump conviction

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