Saturday, June 8, 2024

Removal Relief

Apparently killing a dog and then killing a goat
Because one killed hens and one stank is not a way remote
To stay on Trump’s VP short list where Noem is now not
Because boasting about real killing got her chance there shot.

She probably thought proving she was able to kill would
Prove to Trump where she on being tough and ruthless stood
After all he too had boasted about shooting those
Bystanders on 5th Avenue to love for him expose.

But now Noem is off the list Trump’s toadies have assembled
For shooting dogs and goats in no way remotely resembled
His shooting analogy to show his fine cult’s love
Real killing scares a coward, even one sent from above.

If Trump picked Noem as VP he’d have to watch his back
Because the killer instinct she possesses he does lack
No matter what he claims he’d do he’s a coward at heart
So choosing a real killer as his VP’s a non-start.

Removing Noem from his list no doubt brings him relief
Because one who kills dogs and goats would bring an ass to grief
If she indicated second fiddle’s not her thing
His inner coward would begin fearing hearing shots ring.

8 June 2024

Team Trump Just Unceremoniously Dumped Kristi Noem, She’s Off the VP List

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