Friday, June 7, 2024


Yesterday was once again that great day years ago
Democracy dealt Fascism from Normandy a blow
That carried across Europe to bring Hitler finally down
And end the spread of tyranny begun by that mad clown.

Since that day until recently Democracy held fast
In our nation but hope’s fading that it’s not going to last
Because it’s been so undermined by a fat orange shit
Who those who’ve served our nation know is totally unfit.

Four college deferments back when he was young revealed
Cowardice the military school student concealed
And thanks to family money never serves one single day
Because dad paid a doctor off to bone spur it away.

Years later that coward still proclaiming he was brave
Said he’s run in where police dared not go to children save
Called captured soldiers losers (only winners he preferred)
And wounded veterans near him banned (his image they injured).

It’s little wonder therefore that ‘ere yesterday was done
Veterans unloaded scathingly on the draft dodging scum
They know the danger of letting the coward again sit
In the Commander In Chief’s chair where he’d proved so unfit.

7 June 2024

Veterans Unload On “Draft Dodger”  Trump In Scathing New Attack Ad: “He’s Not Fit”

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