Thursday, June 27, 2024

Faux Fake Facts

OMG!!! CNN plans to fact check the debate
Which Trump may show up for and they know it won’t go so great
If he’s there and each time his pig lips flap another lie
A gong sounds to indicate a non-fact from their guy
Biden too may get gonged but not as consistently
As Trump who’ll make the fact check gong ring continually.

OMG!!! Trump’s allies are outraged that they would dare
Fact check their guy from whom lies fly in which facts are nowhere
“Smear and spin” for Biden is what Nazi Steve does claim
They plan to do by fact checking each non-fact from the brain
Of Dear Leader which spews hyperbolically made up facts 
The gong will interrupt before they’re done being attacks.

OMG!!! The Gong Show to TV tonight returns 
As Trump proclaims non-facts smart viewership quickly discerns
As as far from real facts as made up faux fake facts can be
But what does he care? He’ll again be on prime time TV
Where he lives for publicity so no matter its form
Good, bad, or insanely mad it’s worth fact check gong scorn.

27 June 2024

“Smear and Spin”: Trump allies outraged over CNN vowing to ‘fact check’ parties at debate.

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