Thursday, June 6, 2024

House Negroes

Another Uncle Tom’s emerged who thinks he’ll get ahead
By step and fetching for White masters who’d prefer him dead
Instead of trying to advance the race into which he
Was born but hopes kissing White ass will him from it set free
That MAGA finds Black fools like him to exploit goes to show
As a tool for those who rule you don’t need skin like snow.

When one sees a few Blacks positioned behind Trump at rallies
To deceptively show they’re a big part of the tallies
Of attendees Trump claims are 100 times the size
Of those few who drone videos show to open eyes
I guess it reassures White racists who Blacks so enrage
A few may have their uses if they help Trump votes engage.

And of those few the best exploited by the racist right
Are Blacks in Congress willing to for their White masters fight
And thereby raise their status to House Negro whereby they
Can gain more scraps Whites toss to them by making others pay
The price for being born Black they of themselves hope to find
Forgotten by Whites to whom they’ve proved slavery they don’t mind.

This new Uncle Tom willing to enslave himself to Trump
Is up there with Tim Scott when it comes to letting Whites dump
Whatever humiliation MAGA chooses to
Apply to see if as House Negros despite their dark hue
They’re willing to humiliate themselves to gain a place
Closer to scraps tossed their way by their White Master’s race.

6 June 2024

“How Dare You?” Trump surrogate ripped for saying life was better for Black people under Jim Crow

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