Tuesday, June 18, 2024


Donald Trump’s calls for violence grow more unhinged each day
No longer does he wink and nod to tell his cult to stay
Standing down and standing by, that time’s long past, alas,
His emails now directly call for them to kick the ass
Of those foes who don’t worship him and not just kick but kill
With locked and loaded guns his blood-lust vengeance to fulfill.

His goal apparently wants half the nation blown away
By the other half who believe big lies pig lips say
Assuming there are really half or thereabouts remaining
In the cult he no longer makes effort at refraining
From wreaking vengeance in his name through unleashed gun attack
Against all witch hunt enemies who loyalty do lack.

Long ago someone predicted like a cornered rat
Once his back was against the wall Trump would go on attack
But because he’s a bone spur coward his attack will come
Never directly from himself but from each loaded gun
Possessed by all obsessed with him who’d at his command kill
All those opposed to helping him his destiny fulfill.

As his email calls for violence grow more unhinged each day
Can it be long before their tipping point’s past and guns slay
Lib foes in his next coup attempt to establish his reign
By telling his cult to flush rule of law down history’s drain?
And even if after some killing for him get killed too
Will vengeance wreaked by suckers conned to kill for him be through?

18 July 2024

But his emails: Trump’s increasingly unhinged calls for violence. https://flip.it/epfxXa

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