Wednesday, June 12, 2024

It Matters Not

It matters not one bit to Trump’s cult that Dear Leader’s head
Displays clear indications that more synapses are dead
As witnessed by his latest off-script speech slip lunacy
About choosing between a shark and a big battery
On a boat that’s sinking like his brain’s sinking into
Dementia demonstrated by each side trip brain fart clue.

It matters not one bit to Trump’s cult that their Chosen One
Drools drivel from his pig lips that is unconnected from
The witch hunt lies those lips spewed out a few seconds before
His brain decided to depart on yet one more detour
There seemed to be no reason for except perhaps attacks
By sharks resemble attacks foes launch at his lack of facts?

It matters not one bit to Trump’s cult that his stable brain
Keeps making instability in it ever more plain
At every rally where his handlers cringe when he drops
Another indication unravelling never stops
And demonstrates the one whose coattails upon which they sit
Hasn’t much grey matter left that hasn’t turned to shit.

12 June 2024

Donald Trump Jumps The Shark

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