Saturday, May 4, 2024

VP Sweepstakes

Trump’s told VP candidates they must come kiss his ring
And ass to become finalists in his VP choice thing
He’s summoned them to his Florida Mar-a-Lago joint
To prove how powerful is is because he can appoint
Whichever one he chooses that can do him the most good
Which is his sole criteria as each has understood.

Dog-killer Noem may show up but she’s no competition
For anyone who hasn’t treated puppies with derision
By blowing them away and writing of it in a book
Which even though he can’t read Trump learned of so she forsook
Her chance to become his VP apparently and so
All others candidates learned that dog killing’s a no-no.

Rubio will also show up but his chances stink
Even though like Trump he’s gone as low as one can sink
To destroy democracy which in his state he’s done
Forever in what’s left of Trump’s sick brain he’ll remain scum
For trying hard to be a wannabe tyrant Trump lite
He burned the branch on which he’d hoped to as VP alight.

Some white guy no one’s heard of who’s a governor somewhere
Trump’s currently leaning towards because why should he care
If picking yet another male as white as he can be
Pisses off each female and other minority
In his VP sweepstakes so no matter what polls say
He may decide to choose the white guy like him anyway.

Scott, Stefanik, Vance and other candidates also
Are expected to attend the “Pick Me, Donald!!!” show
The purpose of which really is to raise a lot of cash
So Trump can buy new lawyers when his old ones quit or crash
Into angry displeasure he expresses when he wakes
And finds they did not do what he said to that forsakes.

Apparently there’s no hurry for Trump to choose his pick
And so he’ll drag his sweepstakes out to spread its drama thick
Across as much time as he can to trial dates delay
Until elections come and once again we’ll hear him say

4 May 2024

Trump to host potential vice presidential candidates at Florida retreat. Who is going?

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