Friday, May 3, 2024

A Box Of Rocks

She’s managed to irk everyone which for her wasn’t hard
Considering she’s about as smart as a tub of lard
But stupid is as stupid does and stupid is the way
Her brain makes her do everything in the most least smart way.

She’s as dumb as a box of rocks as they say way down South
Because her tiny brain sends crap directly to her mouth
Without the checks and balances smart people know they need
To think about what’s said before to say it they’ve agreed.

And so here we go once again with Marge on center stage
Embarrassed by her MUGA hats that have become the rage
Among those who support Ukraine instead of those like her
Who for Putin are trying hard to its death make occur.

There’s only one thing Margie’s brain does dimly comprehend
And that is doing what it takes to liberals offend
But she’s never been smart enough to understand that she
With her attention grabbing pisses off her own party.

Democrats are optimistic Greene’s extremes will be
What helps them replace Republicans numerically
When elections come again because she will still be
Dumber than a box of rocks could ever hope to be.

So here’s to Margie once again for such low level dumb
The box of rocks she’s compared to achieves the higher sum
When it comes to intelligence all rocks leave her behind
But this is Marge we’re talking of, she’s way too dumb to mind.

3 May 2024

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s anti-speaker antics are irking everyone

Marjorie Taylor Greene Called ‘Disgusting’ by Fellow Republicans

Democrat’s delight: “Moscow” Marjorie Taylor Greene’s move sparks optimism

Tantrum Time in the Boom, Boom Room

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