Monday, May 20, 2024

Not Normal

Trump’s very stable brain is day by day becoming worse
Dementia is increasing in ways cited line and verse
In textbooks of psychology that list the things he’s doing
As symptoms of a brain old age is busily unscrewing
With words he slurs and mispronounces as an indication
That his brain health is entering an extended vacation.

Trump claims he knows more than all doctors but it’s growing clear
All doctors who know dementia know his cult better fear
His pig lips every time they flap and messed up words come out
Along with bizarre references that leave no room for doubt
That his brain’s failing rapidly and what’s left of it’s not
Any more intelligent than a wad of wet snot.

Psychologists say “It’s not normal” for someone to say
The slurs and mistakes that at rallies Trump puts on display
His verbal slips are syndromes of dementia’s growing hold
On his brain that refuses to of its failings be told
Where deep within reality keeps slipping more away
From brain cells where stability has never held much sway.

20 May 2024

“It’s not normal” Psychologists say Trump keeps proving his “dementia” is getting worse

Cognitive Decline? Trump Melts Down After Report on Freezing Episode

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