Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Preparing To Lose

Despite the polls that say in swing states Trump’s running ahead
Despite GOP loyalty based on election dread
Despite cultists hermetically sealed in their alt-world bubble
Despite Fox News and OAN claiming Biden’s in trouble
And despite growing worry as election time draws near
It’s a Trump loss rather than win we had better more fear.

Trump’s thinking that if he wins…Great! That will be all she wrote
For his tiny hands throttling democracy’s soft throat
But somewhere in the dim recesses of his failing mind
He maybe knows he’s headed for a second loss this time
And so his preparations for that loss primarily
Are guaranteeing his predicted bloodbath comes to be.

If Trump wins he’ll be unprepared to make our nation work
But he’s fully prepared to spur his cult into knee-jerk
Reaction to another loss he’s already proclaiming
Will be the trigger for his cult to stop stand-by refraining
From Civil War that blows away woke liberals who don’t like
His intent to create a unified thousand year Reich.

21 May 2024

Trump isn’t preparing to win - He’s preparing to lose https://flip.it/Bljy7C

Trump’s social media account shares a campaign video with a headline about a “unified Reich” https://apnews.com/article/trump-election-2024-rhetoric-germany-antisemitism-31002afb91b642c0314223d19e51f427

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