Sunday, May 19, 2024

Bad Liars

When you’ve stacked the court with toads who jump at your command
What matters is enough support your corrupt master plan
To outvote consistently the ones who aren’t corrupt
And thus make sure what you demand does not suffer abrupt
Disruption that prevents your tyranny from moving on
To the destiny you have planned for it all along.

It helps that on the high court one’s already so corrupt
His corruption’s as obvious as his big fat black butt
And as an added benefit another is so bad
At lying about his support for you it’s kind of sad
To know his wife is willing to be the one his lies name
To deflect new scandal for which he denies the blame.

Judge Alito and his wife are both bad as can be
At lying each makes telling the truth total travesty
He claims she alone flew the flag he’d not seen upside down
She claims she did because her kids were for the school bus bound
Despite the fact it was when COVID had made state schools close
And the fact it’s hard to miss flags flown right over your nose.

And so another shadow of a scandal rears its head
In the Supreme Court honest lawyers look upon with dread
The high court’s been so stacked with corrupt liars no way laws
Without agenda can come from the scum now there because
McConnell blocked Obama’s candidate - let’s not forget
That set the stage for court corruption on which Trump can bet.

19 May 2024

Supreme Court Justice Blames Wife As New Scandal Casts Shadow On Trump Case

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