Sunday, May 26, 2024

If You Live In Texas

It you live in Texas you will soon have Hell to pay
If in school you do not read the Bible every day
The platform of the Texas GOP intends to make
Bible lessons mandatory so for goodness sake
If you do not want religion shoved down your children's’ throat
Pack them up and head out for territories remote.

If you live in Texas you’re already facing laws
Opposed to the Constitution’s separation clause
Every Founding Father must be spinning in his grave
For they were more against religion than owning a slave
They wanted with religion for the nation naught to do
To which the state of Texas has passed laws to say “Screw You!”

If you live in Texas then you had better not be
A member of any non-White skin-toned minority
Or not straight or a female of any color at all
Because a handmaiden’s role White men will on you make fall
If you’re 10 years or older bearing kids will be your lot
Because there’s no more Godly role laws there will say you’ve got.

So if in Texas you’re not a White straight male MAGA toad
It’s time for you to pack your bags and try to hit the road
While you still can because more laws the GOP there’s brewing
Will soon be adding to non-White, non-straight, and female screwing
Get out before walls Mexico will not pay for surround
The state and laws within enforce biblical hate profound.

26 May 2024

Texas GOP to Add Mandatory Bible Lessons to Platform

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