Saturday, May 25, 2024

Bloated Lies

Here’s a Bronx Cheer for Donald Trump, the man who multiplies
This size of every rally crowd by 30 times its size
At least that’s what he and his toads did at the rally he
Held in the Bronx which was sparsely attended as could be.

Repeated claims insisted 25,000 attended
But an overhead photo has that vast amount upended
Instead of 25,000 maybe 1K at best
Showed up to listen to old lies spewed by the orange pest.

The principle behind crowd lies Trump MAGA toads convey
To hide how few still come to view his whining on display
About how none have been more beset in all history
Is that to get crowd lies believed repeat them endlessly.

And so claim after claim they’d made about 25K
A number 30 times more than the real one there that day
To view Trump spew his anger but his toadies couldn’t spin
Away the photo showing how sparse the real crowd had been.

Vast numbers attending Trump rallies exist only in
Attempts by MAGA toads to tiny crowd attendance spin
Into amounts inflated by lies endlessly repeated
To get evidence before eyes by bloated lies defeated.

25 May 2025

MAGA Idiots Fail to Spin Away Embarrassing Fact on Trump Bronx Rally

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