Monday, May 27, 2024

Remembered On This Day

Today is Memorial Day, the day again when we
Remember those who died to keep the U.S. tyrant-free
The men and women who for our nation laid their lives down
So it would not be taken over by a fascist clown
As it may soon be because Captain Bone Spurs is alas
Still spreading vile filth from both his pig lips and his ass.

As we gather to remember let us not forget
The shit Trump dumped on us when he was Prez ain’t over yet
Except for the one million murdered through incompetence
And claims of bleach and lightbulbs that could make COVID past tense
We who survived that fiasco through vaccines applied
Today remember Trump called soldiers “losers” if they’d died.

Somehow the draft dodging coward deferred by bone spur shit
Has convinced many military members he’s a hit
Despite cheap shot attacks on those who fought in wars and died
Which makes one wonder what criteria’s being applied
By those in uniform who say they’ll still send votes his way
No matter what he’s said of those remembered on this day.

27 May 2024

Heroes or “losers”: Trump taints Memorial Day with divided memories

Trump’s Confronted with Past Military Insults on Memorial Day

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