Tuesday, May 7, 2024


Trump is going straight to jail the next time his pig lips
Defy another gag order and from them anger rips
Because he can’t keep his trap shut despite the penalty
That this time will result in jail time we’ve all longed to see
And when he finds his ass locked up a freakout will prevail
Among his loyal cultists who may well attack the jail.

There’s no way Trump shuts up and lets a new gag order be
His need to feel above the law will inevitably 
Drive him to defy the way the judge bids him incline
Even though he’s clearly been told this time he’ll do time
And so as Rachel Maddow says the writing on the wall
Tells us to prepare for the freakout that will on us fall.

Trump says it would be an honor to find his ass in jail
But inside he’s frightened as Hell that justice will prevail
And so expect a total freakout from him and his cult
That will add increased chaos to America’s tumult
As Rachel says it’s time for us to be prepared to fight
The freakout that inevitably coveys MAGA’s spite.

7 May 2024

Trump’s threat of being jailed suddenly gets real https://flip.it/HahuNy

Rachel Maddow Urges People to Prepare for the ‘“Freakout” when Trump “Inevitably” is “Ordered Into Jail” https://flip.it/yfMoDj

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