Monday, May 6, 2024

Plans Ahead

It’s very clear Trump’s more than willing to in great detail
Describe the Hell he’d usher in should he again prevail
Hate he did spew in interview in Time plainly revealed
His plans to be a tyrant dictator have now congealed.

He’s planning to eliminate eleven million souls
Who dared invade America to further their lives’ goals
Hitler only managed to six million souls erase
So Trump may almost double that amount on his planned pace.

Locking millions up is one thing but to send them back
To the shit holes they came from is intent he may lack
So maybe he too will decide final solutions could
End illegal immigration once and all for good.

He’s also planning to pardon everyone in his coup
Who came to Washington and did what he told them to do
They were only following orders so why should they
Be penalized for loyalty to him put on display?

Freeing his cultists from jail will clear out the cells he’ll need
To lock away all those who refused to his ego feed
So 50 million Biden voters may once he wins find
Themselves locked up with those eleven million doing time.

But it’s very expensive to feed prisoners and so
He may decide he’s rather have that money to him go
And choose instead to starve ‘till dead 61 million he
Has sovereign right to execute for lack of loyalty.

Trump quotes Hitler and praises him so why wouldn’t he try
To blow away the record set by that World War II guy
And kill ten times six million plus another million who
Illegally invaded or by vote tried to him screw?

6 May 2024

Donald Trump puts America on notice again: if he loses he won’t go quietly

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