Thursday, May 2, 2024

If Everything’s Honest

“If everything’s honest” then Trump says that he will accept
2024’s elections results but I bet
Even if he loses by a landslide he will say
Once again that he was robbed and so will fight, OK?,
Because millions of fake fraud votes he’ll claim Democrats cast
To steal his victory just like the one robbed in the past.

“If everything’s honest” then Trump says he will not complain
But honestly the only way acceptance he’ll proclaim
Of the upcoming election’s results is if he wins
By enough votes to let tyranny swaggering in
If instead as predicted things are close but no cigar
For him his robbed election screams will again be heard far.

“If everything’s honest” are code words for Trump saying that
If he does not win honesty won’t be where things were at
In the next election just like in the one before
Where dishonest vote counts kicked his landslide out door
His ego can’t accept loss so tells him no honest way
Can he lose unless dishonest votes get in his way.

“If everything’s honest” is honestly the whiny crap
We honestly can expect to hear from Trump if a gap
Between himself and Biden puts his enemy ahead
Because hearing you’re a loser again weak egos dread
So we can honestly expect dishonesty to be
The honest reason he dishonestly claims victory.

2 May 2024

Trump says he will only accept 2024 election results “if everything’s honest”

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