Monday, April 15, 2024

Slam The Lid

Trump screams and shouts and lies non-stop to claim nothing is true
About what he’s been accused of and holds breath ‘till turned blue
And blusters to muster attacks he spews out endlessly
Against judges and their daughters in sound bites on TV
But finally today when his criminal trial begins
He’ll find it will not tolerate the crap antics he spins.

Trump rages and engages stand-by calls to his cult masses
To be prepared to lock and load and shoot foes in their asses
If they dare find him guilty of things he so clearly did
Upon which his temper tantrums cannot slam tight the lid
But finally today antics he employs to laws avoid
He’ll find backfiring because the judge he’s so annoyed.

Trump weeps and cries and sobs and sighs no one in history
Has before been treated so completely unfairly
As he's been treated by witch-hunting corrupt judges who
Hate him like they hate America and Jesus too
But finally today when his criminal trials begin
He’ll find his out-of-control antics have worn very thin.

Trump’s like the boy who falsely cried wolf until the wolf came
He’s cried “Witch Hunt!!!” so often it no longer works to frame
Arguments in his favor and instead works against 
Whatever real facts he might have used to mount his defense
Against criminal accusations that today we’ll see
Slam the lid on desperate antics very rapidly.

15 April 2024

Trump’s Out-Of-Control Antics Simply Won’t Work In Court

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