Sunday, April 14, 2024

Phony Fans

The history of Trump visits to fast food restaurants shows
That when it comes to genuine the Emperor’s new clothes
His handlers keep saying he’s dressed in aren’t what they seem
It’s billionaires he comes to hug, not Blacks just happening
To be around when he drops by who spontaneously cheer
Those Blacks are operatives planted to cheer when he’s near!

Trump claims he’s done much more for Blacks than anybody ever
But documenting what he’s done is a fruitless endeavor 
Apparently a few are willing to believe he’s great
And those few are the ones shipped in to stage each fast food fete
But even pre-paid Blacks must know since they’re not billionaires
They’re being staged as props to prove for Trump their whole race cares.

Trump is a phony in all ways a phony fake can be
And staging a few Blacks who work for him is easily
An indication he believes he can hoodwink great masses
Of Black people to vote for him because they’re such dumb asses
They can’t see through staged photo ops at fast food joints although
The next election may well prove they all saw through his show.

14 April 2024

Trump’s Staged Viral Hug at Chick-Fil-A as Phony as He Is

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