Saturday, April 27, 2024

RNC Hypocrisy

Once again there’s no way you can just make up this stuff:
Republican hypocrisy that’s way more than enough
To take first place in any competition one could hold
To find primary examples of hypocrites so bold
They take the breath away from those trying hard to believe
Honesty in government’s still something we’ll achieve.

Since Trump’s daughter-in-law he inserted in the RNC
New levels it’s achieved in internal hypocrisy
By firing 60 staff members not loyal enough
Which means GOP candidates are going to find it rough
To receive RNC support because its money will
Flow straight up to Trump and from him none will flow back downhill.

But hypocritical lack of support for candidates
Is not the worst hypocrisy that the RNC makes
The best of all its worst by far is the lawyer who they
Have named to make “election integrity” for them pay
She’s a big lie proponent and conspiracy wing nut
Charged with election-related crimes no if and or but.

The lawyer overseeing “election integrity”
For the group channeling funds to Trump exclusively
Has been named a conspirator by Arizona for
Trying to get honest elections held there no more
Thus we see hypocrisy at highest levels ever
From an RNC acting as Trump’s cash cow endeavor.

27 April 2024

RNC’s “election integrity” lawyer charged with election crimes

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