Friday, April 26, 2024

Cover Up

Trump is as bald as an egg under his plastic hair
That covers up the shiny skin his real head wears up there
When his real hair started to go he found something fantastic
Mucho macho toupees were made in polyester plastic
So for an hour each morning before his day begins
His handlers fit his fake hair to where what’s left there thins.

Trump’s ego can’t accept bald as what his head has become
So every day they cover up the egg-headed bald One
With the finest polyester hairpiece cash can buy
So his cult can see a healthy image of their guy
Who underneath fake hair and bronze skin toner would appear
Decrepit as he really is which would fill them with fear.

Trump’s fake hair is crucial to his biblical belief 
That like Sampson without hair his great strength would come to grief
And that is why you’ll only catch a glimpse under his wig
When wind disturbs the careful placement of the costly rig
He every day puts back in play to cover his bald pate
And mask the fact he’s a weak old balding degenerate.

26 April 2024

Donald Trump’s Latest Hair Fiasco Has Critics Flipping Over His Floppy “Do”

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