Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Crazy’s Come To Town

Margie Greene is on this scene again, this time to try
To with another MAGA kook bid Speakership bye-bye
For Mike Johnson who’s been so far in over his head
He’s had no clue what Speakers do as his party’s been bled
Away by those who’ve said “Enough!” and headed out the door
Thus cutting his majority to one and not one more.

Mike Johnson has apparently begun to see the light
Involved in not backing Ukraine in its ongoing fight
Against Russian aggression and so is trying to find
A way to get aid to that country that MAGAs won’t mind
Now thanks to MTG and Massie (nut case number two)
The stage is set for Democrats to help Johnson come through.

With a majority of one remaining and no more
After so many disgusted Reps headed out the door
Republicans against Dems is now a much closer battle
Balanced on a knife edge thanks to MAGA  it case prattle
So over the hill Democrats may soon be riding to
Rescue Johnson’s bacon from what MAGA’s kooks would do.

Of course the Dems could just sit back and let Mike Johnson fail
To let Speakership change again through disruptive travail
Which would highlight how screwed up the do-nothing Congress is
But everyone knows that already so why should Dems shiv
Johnson when instead his party they can more disgrace
By supporting him which will smear egg on MAGA’s face?

Unlike McCarthy who got so screwed over when he would
Not kiss the ring as passionately as Trump thought he should
Mike Johnson’s a compliant flunky for the Chosen One
Which make it strange Dems have decided they’ll support the scum
But that’s how things in Congress go when crazy comes to town
So thanks MTG and Massie for putting Johnson down.

If and when a vote to dethrone Mike Johnson is held
Dem votes will guarantee from Speakership he’s not expelled
And Ukraine aid he’ll finally allow somehow to get by
Top MAGA kooks who’ve tried so hard to help their Russian guy
Who through disinformation’s tried so hard to bring Trump back
Which a one vote majority’s too small to keep on track.

17 April 2024

MTG, Massie are Too Stupid to Know They Just Gave the House To Dems

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