Monday, July 19, 2021

Upon Sand

If you’re trying to out-Trump Trump to get yourself selected
As the next candidate the GOP would want elected
It is not maybe the best strategy you can apply
By helping COVID make state residents get sick and die
But that’s what Trump-clone DeSantis does more of every day
And makes jokes while Floridians get sick and pass away.

If you’re trying to out-Trump Trump it’s also not too smart
To plunge COVID’s bug dagger deep into the Texas heart
Of residents within your state who are unvaccinated
Because you fight all Biden does that is vaccine related
But that’s what Trump-clone Abbott does while also vote suppressing
And thus another red state finds with COVID it is messing.

While little Trump-clones try so hard to top the chosen one
Baby Trump newbie wannabes are joining ranks to run
Against Republicans Trump claims weren’t loyal to a T
Because they kissed ass not enough to his endorsement see
And thus a GOP hooked on Trump like coke, smack, and meth
Builds upon sand its foundation of big lies and bug death.

19 July 2021

‘Death by DeSantis’: Congresswoman attacks governor for making a mockery of Floridians dying in hospitals.

Rising Wave Of Coronavirus Tests Coming Back Positive In Texas Fuels Fears Of Another Wave

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