Sunday, July 18, 2021

Culture Dump

Deep in the heart of Texas cancel culture runs amok
Because GOP hypocrites write bills that really suck
They claim Democrats welcome ‘cancel culture’ gleefully
But they’re the ones cancelling cultures they hate actively
And since Democrats flew away to quorums undermine
Republicans now cancel culture working overtime.
So far they’ve cancelled civil right and women’s suffrage too
While Dems are out of town so with stupidity can’t screw
Nor with bills passed to turn clocks back before the Civil War
When women's places were in kitchens, beds, and not much more
And blacks were slaves who’d never think of voting any time
It’s awkward culture stuff like that they think cancelling fine.

Deep in the heart of Texas one side cancels actively
Then criticizes the other’s cancel mentality
So goes modern hypocrisy in the era of Trump:
Republicans work overtime to U.S. culture dump
While claiming it’s the Democrats doing the dumping deed
They go on cancelling culture fascists like them don’t need.

18 July 2021

Texas GOP vote to ‘cancel’ teaching women’s suffrage and civil rights

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