Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Doing The Math

Suddenly the anti-vaxxers all sing a new song
Claiming they’ve urged getting vaccinated all along
Despite months mocking vaccines and Joe Biden’s program too
They now say getting vaccinated’s the right thing to do.

Even Florida’s mini-Trump DeSantis has said
Getting vaccinated’s better than ending up dead
Maybe because with COVID spiking everywhere around
Across his state Republicans grow less there to be found.

On Fox even Sean Hannity is saying it is time
To get a vaccination shot in the arm or behind
And to take COVID seriously because vaccines work
Which is the exact opposite said before by the jerk.

I guess Republicans have finally realized if they’re dead
It gets much harder to cast votes that keep their side ahead
So maybe it’s not really smart to remain anti-vax
As COVID spikes across red states and high death rates extracts.

The only reason DeSantis and Hannity are saying
Perhaps maybe vaccine shots could stop COVID bugs from slaying
Is their side’s being decimated thanks to crap they’ve said
Before doing the math about unvaccinated dead.

Math they’re now doing indicates perhaps a vaccine shot
Is better than being the only party growing not
Because the less Republicans the more Dems there will be
And so they’ve changed their tune and anti-vaxxers ceased to be.

The pro-vaccine stance they’ve now taken is so very clear
It has nothing to do with empathy for those death’s near
It’s all about maintaining power which is hard to do
With your side’s voters drop like flies thanks to vax lies you spew.

So ‘Please Take COVID Seriously’ they say but they mean
They seriously cannot win with death counts grown obscene
Among those who they previously told to vax resist 
Which is why vaccination tops their revised ‘to do’ list.

20 July 2021

The remarkable Republican reversal on vaccines https://flip.it/FkxzbZ

Florida Health Officials, DeSantis Urge Vaccinations Amid Spike In COVID Cases, Hospitalizations https://flip.it/jWsWtQ

Sean Hannity, Other Fox Hosts, Recant disinformation on COVID-19 vaccine https://flip.it/h1Yb48

Sean Hannity’s ‘Please Take COVID Seriously’ Speech On Fox Viewed Over 2M Times https://flip.it/wRBhrh

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