Thursday, July 15, 2021

Good Luck And God’s Speed

Two in three Republicans who live in states down south
Want to secede to give this land Trump punches in the mouth
At every rally where hate for Democrats he displays
In whiny big and little lies that his cult does not faze
They want to form a more perfect union than what they’ve got
And think that going it alone is worth the parting shot.

In science fiction there’s a theme about our land dividing
Because two sides in it can’t with each other stay abiding
To the U.S. of Canada up north liberals go
While deep down south in Jesusland race hate’s allowed to grow
Much like back in the Civil War U.S. states south from north
With western state outliers land divisions do endorse.

But why try to retain red states who threaten to secede?
Let the buggers go and wish them good luck and God’s speed
Like India and Pakistan at first things will be tough
But the split’s happened anyway so why make it more rough?
Give everybody north and south and east and west also
Time to pack up and move out to five regions they can go.

Why fight another Civil War when there is little wonder
Republicans still fight the first to split our land asunder?
Two warring camps reside today within each angry state
And so although movement from one to five parts won’t be great
It may be better than forcing neighbors to live beside
Neighbors fighting their beliefs with ones they can’t abide.

15 July 2021

Shock Poll: Two in Three Southern Republicans Want To Secede From the United States

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