Thursday, July 15, 2021


Tennessee idiocracy has become number one
Among all red states worshipping God’s favorite chosen one
Their ideology trumps keeping their children alive
Because they’ve outlawed vaccines so in kids bugs can now thrive
Vaccination they’ve condemned so I guess they don’t mind
Their children dropping like dead flies as health leaves them behind.

Tennessee Republicans are truly number one
Outweighing other idiots by greater than a ton
Because condemning children to death brought on by disease
Is the price they’re willing to pay to their dear leader please
And to keep their state leading in a mad race to remain
Ahead of all states with laws history judges insane.

When kids are used as cannon fodder thrown into the war
Republicans fight against science what can be said more?
When vaccinated hypocrites pass laws that kids condemn
By so doing do they think themselves good righteous men?
What kind of future rating do such idiots assume
They’ll win by sending kids unvaccinated to their doom?

15 July 2021

The Idiocracy In Tennessee

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