Thursday, July 15, 2021

Finally Time

Of course it’s finally time to call every evil Trump does
As fascist as can when done by a fat orange scuzz
Who as dictator wannabe wants tyranny to score
Against home-team democracy by 20 points or more
Each point being another way he still puts freedoms down
At every MAGA rally held in each red shit hole town.

The tendencies within Trump prone to fascism and hate
Continue to be those he serves up on each rally plate
Like Mussolini, Stalin, Pol Pot, and Hitler was too
He’s joined the fascist parade that through history’s plowed through
Country after country of which half the U.S. now
He’s turned into soft fallow ground his fascism can plow.

Trumpism and fascism as extremes are related
Except out on the far right fringe where fascists aren’t equated
With what fine patriots did that was insurrection not
And what their guns may well do next to gain another shot
For their dear leader to be tyrant dictator of all
And if that’s not fascism what the hell do we it call?

15 July 2021

Is It Finally Time To Call Trumpism Fascism?

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