Thursday, July 8, 2021

Poor Rudy

Poor Rudy cannot catch a break which is a crying shame
Black goo in Washington from now on he will ooze in vain
If he tries in DC to practice his brand of schlock law 
They’ll tell him just as New York did that he can eat it raw
I guess he’ll have to take that job MyPillow Guy offered
Because black goo drips in DC no longer will be heard.

Poor Rudy also can’t get paid, he’s been cut off by Trump
Which was kind of predictable from that fat orange chump
Who always stiffs his contractors and never spends a dime
No matter how hard they work for him, even overtime
So Rudy’s just another loser in Trump’s panoply
Of idiots who’ve found out they have worked for him for free.

Poor Rudy cannot dodge the lawsuit train steaming his way
And can’t raise money he needs to his fight against it pay
So that’s three whammies in a row with which he’s now been stuck
Any more and he will truly be shit out of luck
MyPillow Guy had better pay him well to shill chopped foam…
Oh, wait, that job was satire! Poor Rudy’s on his own!

Poor Rudy cannot practice law (not that he ever did)
And can’t get paid for trying to of Trump’s fake votes be rid
And can’t avoid going to court his lawsuit to deny
So when comes to being a loser Rudy’s that guy
His only hope post-whammy is some market will come through
That pays him to manufacture his patented black goo.

8 July  2021

Rudy Giuliani’s DC Law License Suspended

Trump has cut off Rudy Giuliani, and is annoyed that he asked to be paid for his work on challenging the election, book says

Rudy Giuliani’s Legal Defense Fund Is Not Going Well

Stiffed, Subpoenaed, And Disqualified. It’s All In A Week’s Work For Rudy Giuliani

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