Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Cleanup Crew

Biden tried to get all of our nation back on track
By getting people vaccinated to stop bug attack
His target date was July 4th on which he hoped we’d see
100 million vaccinated across the country.

Democrats lined up to get two shots into their arm
Because they knew once vaccinated they’d come to less harm
But among the Republicans a counter-trend got brewing
Because they saw vaccines would give their dear leader a screwing.

Republicans feel their dear leader deserves all the credit
For vaccines that we should to him be totally indebted
Because they were developed while he was still president
So giving Biden any credit they work to prevent.

Despite Trump’s reassurances COVID would melt away
Because a miracle would soon be happening, ok?,
600,000 died but their dear leader’s not to blame
Because states dropped the ball he threw to them to win the game.

Biden’s efforts to vaccinate they therefore sabotage
Because all credit they feel should go to he who did dodge
Responsibility for deaths while claiming things were fine
Because vaccine development occurred during his time.

Republicans make messes and then blame the clean-up crew
Sent in by Democrats to the mess made try to unscrew
In the past the economy was the main mess created
Which they claimed tax cuts for rich friends in no way were related.

But now it’s the pandemic the Republicans can’t face
Because to do so honestly would smear egg on Trump’s face
And so they grasp at straws to claim bug deaths were not his fault
And troll Biden’s attempts to bring their bug mess to a halt.

To them history won’t be kind but for now Biden’s stuck
With overcoming years of big policies that suck
And he must swim against blockage Red trolls bring to the scene
To change Trump from mass murderer to hero of vaccine.

7 July 2021

Biden didn’t ‘fall short’ of July 4 vaccination goal - he was sabotaged by Republican trolls

Republicans are preventing America from reaching Biden’s vaccination goal

Alabama: Unvaccinated and proud to be a problem for Joe Biden

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