Sunday, July 11, 2021

Point Seven

Seven points apparently is all the points it takes
To install Trump back in the White House in less than two shakes
He’ll be right back in office within days instead of years
If to some nut-job’s ‘seven-point plan’ the right wing adheres
But those six points plus one are convoluted to extremes
So here are seven simple points to fulfill Trump’s wet dreams:

1. Point One is turning back the clock (time travel comes to mind)
    To reinstate before debate elections left behind.

2. Point Two is to accelerate Republican vote stealing
    By vote suppression, gerrymands, and other ways appealing. 

3. Point Three is to Trump’s great landslide election re-compete
    Which thanks to Point Two places billions of votes at his feet.

4. Point Four is to reject all votes Dems have cast against Trump
    To reinforce Point Three votes not cast for Him simply dump.

5. Point Five is to conduct audits that back up Two and Three
    With secret tallies to Trump’s landslide triumph guarantee.

6. Point Six is to declare Trump won all votes ninjas amass
    To make his win unanimous among votes they say pass.

7. Point Seven is if Points One through Six somehow do not work
    To with guns blazing blast away every Dem voting jerk.

And to make sure Point Seven’s insurrection is not blown
By horny whack job shamans to whom Jan 6th’s was so prone
Forget about Points One through Six and simply with guns fight
To make Seven the sole point needed to set things aright.

 11 July 2021
CPAC attendee hands out ‘Trump Cards’ detailing ‘seven-point plan’ to install Donald in the White House ‘within days, not years’

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