Saturday, July 10, 2021

Grifter Wannabes

Imagine people making money off election claims
By using lies to gain donations that one’s account drains!
Lies that spread fear to steer money poor suckers can’t afford
Into the coffers of small grifters from fleeced sheep they’ve gored
At state levels where little conmen capitalize lies
To extract cash through vote fraud claims that pull wool over eyes.

At least that’s what’s going on Michigan’s AG believes
And so that state is pulling a probe from its legal sleeve
Let’s hope they are the first of many states to say ‘enough!’
And go after election fraud grifters by getting tough
To finally turn the tide of law back on Trump’s cloned conmen
Who like him think that they will never end up in the pen.

Let’s raise a glass to Michigan, first state to grifters probe!
Here’s hoping we raise many more as more states down the road
Also decide state residents should not keep getting fleeced
By little grifters who’ve learned from the great grifter in chief
Who’s taught them how conned sheep will help fill up their money pot
With small donations gained through vote fraud claims making them hot.

Michigan may be the first state where things turn about
So at state levels grifter wannabes better look out
For if a lot more states decide to probe fake vote grift too
Links to the great grifter in chief may clearly be seen through
And maybe lead AGs to he who wannabes below
Have learned tricks from to fleece state sheep of small donation dough.

10 July  2021

Michigan AG to probe people making money off election claims

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