Monday, July 12, 2021

Panic Pattern

Republicans once tried to stop the education of
Man’s descent from monkeys and not from God up above
Evolution they got wrong but did not care at all
Because not being formed in their God’s image did appall
And so the first thing schools taught that brought their panic on good
Was evolutionary knowledge they misunderstood.

The next school subject they felt panic about was sex ed
Which they were sure would cause school kids to get it in their head
That sex was natural and not condemned by God as sin
And thus sex between consenting teenagers would begin
Misunderstanding about sex ed made them so distraught
Like evolution they against it in panic once fought.

The latest school subject they fight against without a clue
Is critical race theory that justice to blacks is due
To panicking Republicans who fear what justice means
It’s now become their go-to term for anything it seems
To them could be upsetting to white children everywhere
If they learn their great grandparents did not treat black slaves fair.

Republicans panic about such subjects taught in school
Based on misunderstanding, at least that has been the rule
That’s set their panic pattern they’re continuing today
As they desperately try to sweep black history away
Thus critical race theory has become the new go-to
They’re fighting in a panic despite not having a clue.

12 July 2021

First It Was Sex Ed, Now it’s Critical Race Theory

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