Tuesday, July 13, 2021


Republicans have become a deranged death cult as they
Still await Trump’s miracle when COVID melts away
As proof consider the applause the speaker before Trump
At CPAC got when he on Biden’s timetable did dump
The crowd roared out approval of Joe’s target miss with glee
What further proof is needed of death cult stupidity?

Deranged is the word being used to describe the death cult
Republicans became during COVID’s year-long assault
Proof vaccines work is plainly there for those with eyes to see
But not to death cult members who are blind as they can be
They thought it great that Biden failed his target date to meet
Thus demonstrating their deranged stupidity complete.

Republican death cultists so proudly unvaccinated 
At CPAC mocked a program that has rapidly abated
The death count tally that kept climbing before science came
Like calvary over the hill with vaccines to it tame
And bring death counts down everywhere except in death count masses
Who at CPAC proved beyond doubt they’re doomed deranged dumb asses.

13 July 2021

They Clapped for Death at CPAC https://flip.it/ccqqxL

‘Deranged’: Republican ‘death cult’ blasted for COVID stupidity https://flip.it/u41NS9

CPAC’s insane extremism is a warning for 2022 https://flip.it/2u0FD7

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