Thursday, July 1, 2021

Grift Spectrum Suckers

Weisselberg refused to flip so off to jail he’ll go
By staying true to Trump he’s helping cushion the death blow
That the grand jury in Manhattan hopes will make him shiver
Through the indictments that this week it finally did deliver
That may well strip dear leader of his business enterprises
And hit him in the pocketbook, the hit he most despises.

Attacking Donald’s organization as starting point
For throwing his corrupt enterprises far out of joint
Will not send his fat ass to jail which is unfortunate
But it’s a decent place to start to make him feel regret
Which he’s unable to feel but at least it is a start
For hitting what he holds most dear and sacred in his heart.

Most dear to him are not his kids, they’re bus-fodder at best
Nor does he hold dear any wife who’s passed his marriage test
America? Forget about it, to him it’s a toy
He got to break as president in play that gave him joy
It’s only he himself alone his ego holds most dear
So stopping money propping him up will cause him some fear.

They say he’s been emboldened by the indictments now out
They’ll make him run for president again without a doubt
But if his business organization gets taken down
Alternate income sources will be needed by the clown
So he’ll have to increase his grifting of cult membership
And hope their increased small donations right his money ship.

The little dollars sent in from those without much to give
Add up to millions in his coffers on which he will live
By caring less if his donation pleas impoverish them
And so at every rally he will hit them up again
Because up in Manhattan things now working through the courts
May end his mass grift enterprise according to reports.

There is big grift and little grift and grift that’s in the middle
And across the whole grift spectrum Trump has been known to fiddle
So if the top and middle sections are cut off he’ll use
The lower end to his cult members of their funds abuse
Thus millions will keep pouring in to keep his hopes afloat
And fund his second run with checks his poor cult suckers wrote.

1 July 2021

Trump organization and its CFO indicted by Manhattan grand jury

Trump Organization And Top Executive Are Indicted In Tax Investigation

Rep. Schiff: Donald Trump is ‘a grifter from start to finish’

Trump Aide: Ex-prez emboldened by indictment news

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