Friday, July 2, 2021

The Crook America Elected

The crook America elected is at it again
Altering reality from his rally playpen
Where he complains for hours about his sad lot in life
And humps the flag and cons his cult and truth does sacrifice
To his narcissistic ego that needs praise like oxygen
And so it goes at every rally again and again.

The crook America elected in 2016
Surpassed Leona Helmsley in the hierarchy of mean
The minute he was born and he’s grown meaner day by day
With revenge as his watchword and vengeance his only play
Even his cult has grown bored with recitals of hate
That for hours at each rally he shovels on their plate.

The crook America elected thinks he’ll again win
If he keeps whining that his loss was due to voting sin
His hopes he’s placed on a sham audit ninjas now conduct
That he is sure will prove that Arizona’s vote count sucked
As will other sham audits that in red states pile up
Because those in their legislatures are way past corrupt.

The crook America elected will not ever rest
Until he regains power he feels his right to be blessed
And so New York’s indictments that are coming fast and deep
Do not cause him to worry nor to lose a wink of sleep
He is supremely confident he will beat every one
Because he gets away with everything he’s ever done.

The crook America elected thinks going to jail
Is fine for his dumb toadies when their defense lawyers fail
And if disloyal his kids should spent some time in jail too
But because he’s above all law no jail time for him’s due
Indictments are just irritants when you’re God’s chosen one
They’re simply the next bits of bother to wiggle out from.

2 July 2021

Congratulations, America. You Elected A Crook In 2016.

Trump gotta Trump: ex-president diverts and deflects as legal woes mount

Trump’s children will not remain loyal to him like Allen Weisselberg, says his niece Mary

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