Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Crazy Fame

Margie Greene is on the scene and now this time around
The latest new conspiracy she says that she has found
Is that Bill Barr’s not only the nut he appears to be
But also anti-Trump resistance member secretly
Which is as clear as mud to her and therefore needs no proof
Which is OK because from proving plots she stays aloof.

As with her Jewish laser beams that burn the forest floor
Her new Bill Barr conspiracy’s the crap she now lives for
Because stripped of committee tasks did not give her the blues
Just plenty of time to gain fame through crazy plots she spews
That are as nutty as fruitcakes and are becoming more
As in pursuit of fame to crazy crap she bars no door.

Because she has no role but troll to play up on the Hill
She thinks it would be great if she got named to fill the bill
As member of the commission Pelosi plans to form
To investigate insurrection on which she’s heaped scorn
She’s sure she’d be a perfect fit to act as counterpoint
To all treasonous liberals the Democrats anoint.

Her chance of getting in the group that will look at Jan 6
Is probable as Bill Barr’s role as a Trump-traitor snitch
Or lasers beamed from outer space by Jews to create fire
Or her providing any proof for plots she claims transpire
The kind of fame she’s seeking desperately she well may find
But crazy’s not the kind of fame most hope to leave behind.

30 June 2021

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s latest conspiracy: Bill Barr is secretly part of the anti-Trump resistance

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