Saturday, July 3, 2021

Fearful Coward Asses

Enough of this crap already! Who gives a shit, ok?
It’s time to fight Republicans who have nothing to say
About Trump’s insurrection coup attempt back on 1/6
And hope by staying silent nothing of it to them sticks.

Both those directly involved and those covering their ass
Do not deserve the time of day and must not get a pass
They give pathetic reasons why they don’t want truth disclosed
But behind opposition is fear roles will be exposed.

McCarthy’s threat of revenge is the shit that bullies pull
To bluff their way to power on a playground that is full
Of kids they try to make afraid to against them stand up
But standing up to them is all it takes to them disrupt.

Kinzinger alone so far is willing to stand up
To bullies in his party who besides being corrupt
Are traitors pure and simple to the nation once held dear
By those who served in Congress before Donald Trump drew near.

There must be at least a few others in the GOP
Who did not conduct advance tours to reveal entry
Or meet or phone or text or email insurrection plans
And had no role to play in stirring up Trump’s riot fans.

But besides Kinzinger, Cheney, and Romney who is there
Left with some moral compass to guide them through TrumpWorld’s lair
Who can place country back above their fearful coward asses
And stand up to small bullies demanding from them free passes?

3 July 2021

‘Enough of This Crap’: Former GOP Rep. Goes Off on Opposition to ‘Absolute Friggin Necessary’ 1/6 investigation

‘Who Gives a Sh*t?!’ Kinzinger Beats Down McCarthy’s Threat of Revenge Against Republicans Who Sit on 1/6 Committee

Decency, R.I.P.

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