Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Taught Tyrants

Dems in Texas decided they would reject the shit
That Abbot dumped on them and so they all walked out of it
Which upset Abbot so completely that he lost his cool
And threatened to defund all those tasked in Texas to rule
And if there is no legislature once his threat he’s spun
I guess that he alone would rule as dictator bar none.

Republicans in Texas will thus find they’re out of work
If Abbot carries through his threat to from all funding jerk
Because they are included in his legislative flock
That he has threatened to defund because all its Dems mock
His efforts to make his state a dictator’s tyranny 
By removing from those who vote rule by majority.

Republicans and Democrats in Texas are both screwed
Because their tyrant governor feels Dems treat him so rude
And dictators don’t need a legislature anyway
So his threat to defund his to get them out of his way
The chosen one who’s watching from his offstage palace wing
Will see as victory such as taught tyrants only bring.

1 June 2921

Ticked Off Abbot Threatens To Defund Entire Legislature After Dems Kill Voting Bill https://flip.it/epcygT

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