Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Pillow Fight

Donald Trump is telling people by August he’ll be
Reinstated in the White House dump reportedly
Right after the MyPillow Guy presents evidence clear
That billions of fraudulent votes threw him out on his ear
Which will make the Supreme Court rule him unanimously
Once again the President he never ceased to be.

The world of fantasy in which D.Trump does now reside
Is as fluffy as pillows that MyPillow Guys provide 
And just as full of chopped up truth as they of chopped up foam
Because the lies he lives by have in it all found a home
A home that’s soft and comfortable and reassuring too
That his reinstatement as king will by August come through.

By August who knows what will happen if MyPillow Guy
Fails to provide the evidence that makes nine judges cry
That Trump was cheated and as President must be returned
To office in the dump that he as Prez before had spurned
Like all evidence Trump cultists base on sheer fantasy
MyPillow Guy’s lies like foam pillows will be all squishy.

Squishy evidence and chopped up truth won’t bring Trump back
Unless with Miramar coup-style rebellion they’re backed
Which Michael Flynn claims he did not at QAnon endorse
(Although he thinks it would be great if a coup changed the course
Of history delaying Trump from his kingship for life
Because a pillow fight alone will not end big lie strife).

2 June 2021

‘A new inauguration date has been set’: Inside the latest QAnon conspiracy theory to ‘reinstate’ Trump

‘Kraken’ lawyer and My Pillow CEO have reportedly convinced Donald Trump he will be reinstated as President

Donald Trump has reportedly been telling people he will be reinstated by August

Facing intense backlash, Mike Flynn lies about advocating for a coup

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