Monday, May 31, 2021


Trump is furious as his investigations climb
Because together they’re costing him lots more than a dime 
And less than one thin dime alone is what he says they’re worth
But instead they drain millions from his fortune here on earth
From his rage it’s apparent to all who would his end see
To hit him hardest hit him in the pocketbook bigly.

Trump gets angry at everything and stays angry for days
But hit him in his pocketbook and the results amaze
His anger becomes angriest of all anger insane
As more furious he grows watching his dear money drain
To pay his shyster lawyer mob for defense against all
Investigations coming fast at him they try to stall.

Trump’s anger as his fortune wanes may put him in his casket
If when drained of tremendous wealth it makes him blow a gasket
Which would seem such a fitting end to all who hate his guts
If he dies because the anger he lives by undercuts
The great genes he claims keep him healthy, fit, and feeling fine
But did not stop death by anger once down to his last dime.

31 May 2021

Trump furious over massive legal fees as investigations heat up: report

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