Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Straight Flush

Republicans can’t win unless the voting deck they stack
Because ideas of governance they so completely lack
So naturally they block voting reform, to ring that bell
Would have become for them over time a ringing death knell
Because as Ike said they’ve a non-party conspiracy
Maintaining power by means counter to democracy.

To hold on to the power they stack the deck to maintain
All voting reform attempts they must flush straight down the drain 
There to follow whatever moral compass they had
If indeed they ever had one before things got so bad
Dear leader was their catalyst that brought things to this head
But long before his con appeared their compass had dropped dead.

Where things go next depends on where the Democrats will go
Because from the Republicans all we will get is ‘no’
Which has become the go-to word they go to every time
The Dems attempt their vote suppression tactics to unwind
Without filibuster reform vote reform’s bound to fail
As over each attempt Republican flush sounds prevail.

23 June 2021

Senate Republicans block voting rights reform bill despite unified Democratic support

A bill destined to fail may now spawn more plausible options

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